Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is a statutory committee of the Board of Directors of the Company and it is established in order to assist in the fulfillment of its supervisory duties related to the financial reporting and update process, the compliance of the Company and its subsidiaries with the legal and regulatory framework of operation, the procedure of the audit system and the supervision of the audit function.

By resolution of the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company held on 11 June 2024, which elected the members of the Audit Committee of the Company and established the type, number and status of the members of the Committee as an independent committee pursuant to case ab) of par. 1 of art. 44 of Law 4449/2017, consisting of the three independent non-executive members of the Board of Directors and one non-member of the Board of Directors of the Company, a third person independent of the Company who has no professional, organic, business, shareholding or other relationship with the Company and is independent in relation to the Company, i.e. is a third person outside the Company and meets the criteria of independence of art. 9 of Law 4706/2020.

The term of office of the Audit Committee has been set by the Ordinary General Meeting at three years, starting from the date of the election of the members of the Audit Committee by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company and ending at the latest on the date of the Ordinary General Meeting to be held in 2027.

The Audit Committee currently consists of the following persons:
  • Garyfallia Spyriouni, Chairman
  • Georgia Mourla, Member
  • Eleni Koritsa, Member
  • Nikolaos Papadopoulos, Member, third independent from the Company person, not a member of the Board of Directors of the Company.

You can find the CV’s of the members of the Audit Committee here
Bio not available